- No potluck events will be allowed. All events involving food must be served in the cafeteria and prepared on site under supervision of a certified food manager or prepared in licensed kitchen and transported/served under supervision of certified food manager.
- The applicant shall be liable for any damage done to school property.
- Organizations using the building and facilities must provide supervision by an adequate number of adult sponsors to insure proper care and safety.
- All local, state and federal regulations will be adhered to at all times.
- The use of tobacco, alcohol, or other drugs on school property is prohibited.
- The altering of school facilities, or use of school equipment, must only be done with the prior knowledge and approval of the building principal.
- School building and/or room keys will not be issued at any time.
- A custodian will be on duty and payment of hourly wage required if after working hours.
- Cancellation of facilities use must be made a minimum of 24 hours in advance. Call the District Office 608-323-3315, ext. 3158.
- Person supervising event must be in attendance during the entire event.
Please adhere to these times, since it is possible another group may precede or follow your scheduled time. Fee schedule is listed on the back. All fees and custodial fees will be billed after your event. $50.00 deposit is required for use of kitchen facilities before event. Please see back for more information.
Use of the facilities under this agreement is subject to availability. School-sponsored activities and organizations have priority regarding facility use. From time to time, there may be conflicts, and you may not be able to use the facility, or it may require you to adjust yor time. Every effort will be made to notify you of these conflicts in a timely manner.
Please also view NEOLA Policy 7510 for our Use of District Facilities policy.
Please call the district office, 608-323-3315, ext. 3158, with any questions regarding facility use.