2024 Distinguished Alumnus - Cletus Foegen

2024 Distinguished Alumnus - Cletus Foegen


Cletus Foegen graduated from Arcadia High School in 1972. He and his wife, Liane, have farmed on the Foegen home farm for 50 years. They have three children: Jenni, Jake, and Justin. Cletus has been a respected, active community leader for all these years.  

In the past, Cletus served on the Boards of Directors for the AG Co-op and Garden Valley Co-op. He was the President of the Hilltop Trailblazers Snowmobile Club and the Buffalo County Snowmobile Association. Cletus was a delegate for the AMPI Co-op and served on the Resolutions Committee for AMPI. He was on the St. Boniface School Board and was a valued board member for 16 years on the Arcadia School Board.  

He has served on the Town of Glencoe Board for the last 34 years, 28 years as the Town Chairman. He has been on the Arcadia Ambulance Board for 34 years, serving as the President for the last 20 years. In 2019, he was instrumental in fundraising and building the new ambulance garage in Arcadia.  Additionally, he is the Chairman of the St. Boniface Parish Finance Council and President of the Waumandee Area Lions Club. Cletus is also on the Riverland Energy Electric Co-Op Board of Directors and has taught snowmobile safety for the last 20 years. 

For his many leadership roles in the community, Cletus Foegen is recognized as a distinguished alumnus of the school district of Arcadia.