Elementary School May Leaders of the Pack

Elementary School May Leaders of the Pack


Santiago Cacari Quetzecua:  Santiago has made huge gains in his confidence this year and continues to improve his academic skills all while demonstrating appropriate classroom behavior. He is the student who will always put a smile on our face!

Dylan Maldonado Perez:  Dylan has improved so much this year. He continues to practice sharing and handling his emotions appropriately. He has been a great listener and is trying too hard to do his best quality work. So proud of you Dylan!

Alex Sandoval Sandoval:  Alex shows paw pride by being a good friend!

Maria Feria Espitia:  Maria shows paw pride by being a good friend! She always takes her time on her work and does her best!

Dayana Leon Ortiz:  Dayana has always shown great PAW pride in and out of the classroom by being respectful to teachers and friends, as well as helping others when needed. She is a very kind and polite friend!


Alan Rojas Ortiz:  Alan has worked so hard in the classroom all year and has come very far. He is a friend to everyone and always has a big smile on his face. He consistently shows PAW Pride and is a pleasure to have in class. Congratulations Alan! Well done!

Alexa Maldonado Reyes:  Alexa is a great leader in my classroom. She is respectful to friends and teachers, she is responsible with her actions, and she is always safe with her body. Thanks Alexa, for showing Paw Pride!

Jayddin Owens: Jayddin is a great leader in the classroom. He can always be counted on to know the expectations and help others as well. He follows directions well and is always one of the first students to raise his hand to answer questions. Keep up the good work, Jayddin!

Danna Cano Quiaha:  Danna has grown so much this year in kindergarten! She works very hard and always has a smile on her face. She is a joy to have in the classroom.

Karla Cervantes:  Karla has been working very hard to be a better listener and do her best on all her work. She has made great growth in these areas and in her academics. Keep up the good work Karla! I knew you could do it!

Bill Hernandez:  Bill is that student that will make you laugh no matter the circumstances. He has been trying so hard to raise his hand to speak and has made great improvements in this area. I am super proud of how far you have come over this past year Bill! Keep up the great work!

Isaac Hammond:  Isaac has made great strides this year in Kindergarten. He has learned to control his body and be respectful to his teacher and those around him. He has also made great improvements in sitting quietly at the carpet. Keep it up Isaac!

Mackenzie Castellanos Luque:  Mackenzie has come so far this year! He is a creative young man and has been working hard to learn how to read and write. He has been working extra hard to be a good listener. Keep up the great work, Mackenzie!


Dylan Rebolledo Carreon: Dylan is a great friend to all! He is always inviting others to play and sit by him at lunch. He makes sure everyone feels included. Dylan also works hard and tries his best in the classroom.
Way to go Dylan!!

Oakley Kivi:  Oakley is always happy to come to school. She raises her hand and participates in class. She is also very helpful to all her classmates. Keep up the good work in 2nd grade.

Dennyse Sandoval Sandoval:  Dennyse has worked hard this year learning a lot of new things. She is always quiet, kind and respectful in the classroom. You have a beautiful smile Dennyse; keep smiling!!

Alexis Ortiz Maldonado:  Alexis is an extremely hard working student. He is a good friend to everyone. Alexis, I have enjoyed having you in my class.

Violeta Hernandez Reyes:  Violeta comes to school with a smile on her face, ready to learn and do her best. She is always kind to all of her classmates. So proud of you, Violeta!


Ellie Radatz:  Ellie shows great Paw pride in our classroom and throughout the school. She leads her classmates by helping ensure that everyone knows what they need and where they should be. Ellie always has a positive attitude and is always ready to learn. Keep up the great work!

Sophia Barralaga Reyes:  Sophia has done a great job showing PAW PRIDE throughout the school year. She's really blossomed into a leader over the last month and is confident leading her peers.

Isaac Mantufar Ramirez: Isaac shows leadership in the classroom by trying his best to learn new and challenging information. He is quick to help others and participates often by respectfully sharing his ideas with the whole class.

Alan Cruz Lopez:  Alan is a respectful member of our classroom. He is also very responsible. He is well liked by his classmates and works hard for his teachers. Keep up the good work Alan.

Walker Raymer:  Walker is a hard worker and always completes his work with great care. He has gone out of his way to help another student in our classroom and has made a great friendship because of it. We're so proud of you Walker, keep up the good work!

Rodrigo Maldonado Ortiz:  All year Rodrigo has been working hard to follow Paw Pride expectations. He has learned to stay in his seat during class , communicate his wants, needs and interests verbally, and complete his work in the classroom. We are so proud on how far Rodrigo has come this year! r.

Arantza Colin Arriaga:  Arantza was chosen because she has been respectful, responsible, and safe. She is a hard worker and she helps others. I am proud of you Arantza!


Kinnley Appel:  Kinnley shows great Paw Pride in our classroom and throughout the school! She puts forth great effort and enthusiasm with everything she does. Kinnley's love for learning is contagious! She is a leader in our classroom!

Camila Hernandez Candelas:  Camila is a respectful student who is kind to everyone. She follows directions and always tries her best.

Mckenzie Malpert:  Mckenzie always comes to school with a positive attitude. She works hard and gives her best effort in class. She is also a great friend to her classmates and is always willing to lend a had to those who need it. We are lucky to have you in our class Mckenzie!

Elmer Sanchez Velasco:  Elmer is a hard worker and good friend to everyone. He tries his best no matter the difficulty of the task. He is a great leader and helps remind others of the expectations. He always brings joy to the classroom and wants everyone to be the best they can.

Liliana Sebastian Pascual:  Liliana has a smile and kindness that lights up everyone around her. She always tries her best with everything and doesn't give up when things get hard.

Alison Olmos Arias:  Alison is kind and helpful with all around her. She makes sure that everyone is having a great day with her smile. Another thing about Alison, especially lately, she has been working very hard with all of her school work while also helping others that are having a hard time.

Evelyn Hernandez:  Evelyn has done a great job all year following the classroom expectations. Her willingness to always to her best has made for a successful year.


Lizbeth Perez Sanchez:  "Speak softly but carry a big stick," a quote from Theodore Roosevelt, sums up Lizbeth pretty well. Though she is soft spoken, Lizbeth's observation skills and ability to read a room assist her in her success. She is always following directions and exhibiting Paw Pride!

Hannah Greenwood:  Hannah is always willing to go out of her way to lend a helping hand. She comes to school every day ready to learn and demonstrates PAW Pride in everything that she does. She leads by example and is a great friend to everyone. Keep up the great work Hannah!

Jarimely Sandoval Zarate:  Jarimely works hard and actively participates in class every day! She challenges herself to try new things and perseveres through tough tasks. She is also kind to everyone and always makes sure they feels welcomed. Keep up the great work Jarimely!

Jaylein Cruz:  She has demonstrated responsibility when getting to work and doing her job. When working with others, she is respectful and listens to others. She makes sure everyone is involved and feels like part of the group. She is a team player, and a good example of the leader of the pack. She is responsible, respectful, and safe.

Jayda Owens:  Jayda is an excellent leader in the classroom by always participating in class activities and trying her best. She is a caring friend and shows kindness to all of her classmates. It has been wonderful to have her in class this year!