The middle school has an amazing Student Leadership Team. Students in grades 7 and 8 that had an interest completed an application. All students that completed an application are involved in our student leadership team. The purpose of the Arcadia Student Leadership Team is to develop confident, positive middle school student leaders. Students on this team talk about teamwork, goal setting and decision making at AMS. Students have the responsibility of representing their peers and be responsible for organizing and coordinating student projects and activities. Some of these projects and activities we will organize this year will include community service projects, school celebrations and student activities during the school day and possibly outside of the school day. So far this year the Student Leadership Team has organized a fundraiser for our Raider Market. A group of Student Leadership Team members went shopping for the Raider Market with our proceeds. They were able to purchase the popular food items for the Raider Market. We appreciate their leadership and hard work so far this school year.