Middle December School Leaders of the Pack

Middle December School Leaders of the Pack


Gr. 5  

Levi Maldonado Cruz- Levi works very hard in class and always tries to stay at the top of the class. He is follows classroom rules and sets a good example for other students.

Christopher Silva Herrera - Christopher is always on time, prepared, and following along during class. He always does his best and asks questions. He comes to class with a smile on his face and is respectful to his teachers and peers. Great job Christopher! 

Gr. 6

Zionah Slaby - Zionah is a very kind student who is always willing to help her classmates. She constantly participates in class and contributes to her own and others' learning. Zionah has high expectations for herself and exemplifies what it means to be a AMS Raider. 

Luisa Hernandez Velasco- Luisa is a good student who follow classroom and teacher directions.  She completes her assignments and sets a good example for the rest of the students.


Gr. 7

Kimberly Ortiz Hernandez - Kimberly is a fantastic person to have in class. She is very positive and makes the people around her always feel better. No matter what, she focuses on learning and is always trying to make herself better as well. She never gives up, which is a rare ability to have. She should be very proud of all the work she has done. People notice it!   

Anderson Castro Zacarias - Anderson is a great nominee for AMS Leader of the Pack!  Anderson is serious about his education and puts forth great effort with trying his best.  He is well liked by peers due to his kindness.  Anderson will prove to be successful in the future due to his efforts at AMS!   Way to Go, Anderson! 


Gr. 8

Isael Ortiz Lopez - Isael is deserving of the nomination for AMS Leader of the Pack.  Isael is friendly and caring to everyone around him.   He greets staff and his peers with a big, open smile every morning.  Isael is helpful with his classmates and truly makes everyone smile around him.  We are so lucky to have Isael at AMS!   Great job! 

Taylor Delong - Taylor is a special student.  She is always trying her best with her academics.  Taylor is involved in MS band and excels as a musician.  Academics are important to Taylor and she puts forth great effort to continue to learn.  She is a great friend to others