Students Learn Macronutrients and Micronutrients in Nutrition and Weight Control Course

Students Learn Macronutrients and Micronutrients in Nutrition and Weight Control Course
The Nutrition and Weight Control course at the high school curriculum focuses on nutrition as it relates to body functions in health with a parallel study of malnutrition. In a recent lesson called Making the Most of Your Meal from Fuel Up to Play 60, each student took on the challenge of putting food cards in order from the “Most” to “Least” for each nutrient. With a focus on macronutrients (protein, carbohydrate, fat and fiber) and micronutrients (vitamin D, iron, calcium and potassium). After their guess, they would compare their answers to each food card's ingredients list. To conclude the lesson, the class discussed why it is important to eat a variety of foods, which nutrients are more challenging to get than others, and how macronutrients and micronutrients affect human growth.
Natalie Anderson, Health Science Teacher, Physical Education teacher and ad advisor of a new high school club called Fuel Up to Play 60. Fuel Up to Play 60 is a program that helps create a foundation for education and students to fuel greatness in the areas that matter most like being mindful and staying healthy. It provides students with the tools they need to not only lead healthier and happier lives but to be hard and inspire change. The Arcadia High School club received a grant to order a smoothie machine that they plan on implementing in trimester two for the student body. The group is currently working on providing ways for the student body to move their body and stay active. We look forward to seeing the work of this group at Arcadia High School!