Technology Use Agreement for Students
- Adhere to these guidelines each time the device is used.
- Use appropriate language in all communications refraining from the use of profanity, obscenity, and offensive or inflammatory speech. Cyberbullying, including personal attacks or threats toward anyone, made while using either the district-owned or personally owned technology, is to be reported to responsible school personnel. Communication should be conducted in a responsible and ethical manner.
- Respect the Internet filtering and security measures included on the device. All students on 1:1 computing devices are configured so that the Internet content is filtered when the student is on any school, public, or private network.
- Only use technology for school-related purposes.
- Follow copyright laws and fair use guidelines and only download or import music, video or other content that students are authorized or legally permitted to reproduce or use for school-related work.
- Students should be aware that Internet access and email, and other media that are accessed, created or stored on their devices are the sole property of the district. The district has the right to inspect any messages or files sent or received to or from any Internet location using district technologies. Files stored and information accessed, downloaded or transferred on district-owned technology are not private insofar as they may be viewed, monitored, or achieved by the district at any time.
- Only clean the screen with a soft, dry microfiber cloth or anti-static cloth.
- Return (including the charger) the device and carrying case (if supplied) upon transferring out of school, at the end of the year, or when instructed to do so.
- Mark, deface or place stickers on the device. School issued carrying cases may also not be personalized.
- Reveal or post identifying personal information, files or communications to unknown persons through email or other means through the Internet.
- Attempt to override, bypass or otherwise change the Internet filtering software, device settings or network configurations.
- Attempt access to networks and other technologies beyond their authorized access. This includes attempts to use another person’s account and/or password or access secured wireless networks.
- Share passwords or attempt to discover passwords. Sharing a password is not permitted and could make you subject to disciplinary action and liable for the actions of others if problems arise with unauthorized use.
- Download and/or install any programs, files or games from the internet or other sources onto any district-owned technology. This includes the intentional introduction of computer viruses and other malicious software.
- Tamper with computer hardware or software, attempt unauthorized entry into computers, and/or vandalize or destroy the computer or computer files. Intentional or negligent damage to computers or software may result in criminal charges.
- Attempt to locate, view, share or store any materials that are unacceptable in a school setting. This includes but is not limited to pornographic, obscene, graphically violent or vulgar images, sounds, music, language, video or other materials. The criteria for acceptability are demonstrated in the types of material made available to students by administrators, teachers and the school media center.
- Modify or remove the ASD asset tab or the manufacturer serial number and model number tag.
In addition to the specific requirements and restrictions detailed above, it is expected that students and families will apply common sense to the care and maintenance of district-provided 1:1 technology. In order to keep devices secure and damage-free, please follow these additional guidelines.
- You are responsible for the device, charger, cords, school-owned case (If provided), etc. Do not loan any of these items to anyone else.
- While a properly designed case (If provided) affords some protection, there are still many fragile components that can easily be damaged by dropping, twisting or crushing the device.
- Do not eat or drink while using the 1:1 device or have food or drinks in close proximity. Any liquid spilled on the device may very well cause damage (often irreparable) to the device.
- Keep your 1:1 device away from precarious locations like table edges, floors, seats or around pets.
- Do not stack objects on top of your 1:1 device; leave outside or use near water such as a pool.
- Devices should not be left in vehicles.
- Devices should not be exposed to extreme temperatures (hot or cold) or inclement weather (rain, snow).
- Do not store or transport papers between the screen and keyboard.
- Leaving equipment unattended and unsecured. This includes damage or loss resulting from an unattended and unsecured device at school.
- Lending equipment to others other than one’s parents/guardians.
- Using equipment in an unsafe environment.
- Using equipment in an unsafe manner.
- Ignoring common sense guidelines delineated above.
- If the device charger or carrying case (If provided) is damaged or lost, the student is responsible for replacing it.
- Access to an ASD provided 1:1 device and network should be considered a privilege that must be earned and kept.
- A student’s technology privileges may be suspended due to negligent damage to the device, or inappropriate use of the device that fails to comply with the ASD technology agreements outlined in this document.
Students are expected to take appropriate care of the school issued device. The following replacement list provides families with the repair and replacements costs in the event of neglect, intentional damage or vandalism. Charges will be posted via Infinite Campus and can be paid online or in your schools office.
Type of Repair |
Chromebook |
iPad |
Broken Screen |
$40 |
$90 - $175 |
Broken Keyboard |
$45 |
N/A |
Lost/Broken Charger |
$25 |
$15 |
Lost/Broken Case |
$15 |
$15 |
Replacement Device |
$300 |
$300 |
- Violations may result in a limited or immediate total loss of rights to the District's technology resources.
- Additional disciplinary action may be determined at the building level in line with the Student Handbook and the District's Code of Conduct. This may include suspension and recommendation for expulsion.
- Violations involving threats, theft or damage to equipment or other resources may be reported to law enforcement.
Penalties will be administered based on the severity and frequency of the offense. Students have the right to due process following District policy.